Now your unusual wishes can come true.
As you know, our server is free, but this does not mean that its content is free of charge. In order to keep the server running and continue to develop it, we agree to fulfill some of your unusual requests for a financial reward.
Reset character skills
500 Ketse
Reset character stats
500 Ketse
Character renaming
400 Ketse
Character gender change
400 Ketse
Transferring a character from account to account
400 Ketse
Renaming a guild
200 Ketse
Reset Star Gladiator's Marks
200 Ketse
Transferring a character from slot to slot
100 Ketse
Renaming a pet
100 Ketse
Rename homunculus
100 Ketse
Premature race reset
100 Ketse
Homunculus stat recalculation
100 Ketse
Obtain Sign of Darkness (warper gem)
2 Ketse
Also inside the game you can buy costume hats, kafra coupons and an endless wing. See the assortment in the Cash Shop section.
Ketse (
) is a special item for paying for Unusual Wishes, 1 Ketse is approximately equal to one Russian ruble. You can get the CC from the NPC Uncle Volodya, which is located near the Prontera fountain, by entering one of the PIN codes to receive the CC. You can spend CC at the NPC Unusual Desires, located there.
Buy any amount of Ketse (100 Ketse ~ 100 rubles ~ 1.6$) at
Funpay: orders are processed automatically, you will receive code in chat after purchase.
Also, Ketse can be purchased using cryptocurrency:
BTC: bc1qjzndvx7dqy9m50yxgv6t5e0k5zcgczvpjt89zd
LTC: ltc1qehpr3sljydj56hdrxft7ze2zc5fs9fkj0k7zvt
ETH and ERC20: 0xbE854aaFAA8f55562DBB1211baC7d0EB396942c9
BNB and BEP20: 0x5554b9E78e65F630D34d3F089205878cBd152498
When paying with cryptocurrency, in order to receive a Ketse, you must write a personal message LumiKeeper or bullwinkle in Discord